RFK Trump

RFK Campaign Suspended, Not Terminated: The Difference

Politics is a public relations war trying to maintain the audiences attention. In a surprising turn of events, RFK Jr.’s presidential campaign has taken an unexpected pivot by endorsing Donald Trump. The renowned political figure has suspended his campaign, but not terminated it, sparking intense speculation about his future moves. This strategic decision has sent ripples through the political landscape, particularly in key battleground states where his influence could sway the outcome of the 2024 election.

The focus now shifts to 10 swing states, where RFK will not be on the ballot. This move has implications for both major parties and raises eyebrows about potential political alliances. As we heads towards November, RFK may no longer be in the race, but his presence will still make an impact on Election Day. 

The Evolution of RFK Jr.’s 2024 Presidential Bid

RFK Jr. initially launched his presidential campaign as a Democrat in April 2023, focusing on ending the “corrupt merger of state and corporate power” and favoring policies that support small businesses. However, expressing dissatisfaction with the Democratic primary process, Kennedy announced in October 2023 that he would continue his bid as an independent candidate.

The decision to suspend, rather than terminate, a campaign carries both political and financial implications. By suspending, a candidate can continue to raise money to retire debt and maintain flexibility for future political efforts. In contrast, terminating a campaign would forfeit delegates and strictly limit fundraising abilities.

Battleground State Focus

Here we are again, with 10 critical swing states under the microscope. Among these key battlegrounds are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, which collectively hold 93 electoral votes that could swing the race for the White House. The other notable states effected would be Florida, Ohio and New Hampshire. This move could potentially help Trump, by preventing RFK Jr. from siphoning votes away from him in key swing states. Polls showed RFK Jr. was polling around 5-6% nationally before dropping out. Even small shifts in close states could be significant. Some polls indicated Trump gained more support than Harris when RFK Jr. was removed from polling options, suggesting his supporters may lean more Republican.

In very close states like Arizona, where Biden won by less than 11,000 votes in 2020, even a small shift of RFK Jr. supporters to Trump could potentially impact the outcome. However, Democrats argue RFK Jr.’s remaining support was small and roughly split between Harris and Trump voters, so his exit may not significantly change the race. The overall impact remains to be seen, but removing RFK Jr. from battleground state eliminates one potential factor that could have affected tight margins. Trump’s campaign views this as potentially beneficial to their electoral chances.

Removal Process

The process of removing RFK Jr. from ballots varies by state, with some deadlines already passed. In Wisconsin, it’s likely too late for Kennedy to withdraw, while in North Carolina, his name has already been printed on ballots in around 30 counties. The North Carolina Board of Elections said Kennedy was nominated by the We The People Party and will remain on the ballot unless the party officially withdraws his nomination. 

In Michigan, The Secretary of State’s office confirmed Kennedy will still appear on the November ballot as the Natural Law Party nominee; Minor party candidates cannot withdraw in Michigan. These examples just show the small detailed complexities of running any type of campaign. Although Kennedy announced his plans to try to remove himself from ballots in 10 battleground states where he could act as a “spoiler,” but many states have deadlines or rules that make removal difficult or impossible at this stage. His name will likely remain on ballots in numerous states despite suspending his campaign.

The Trump-Kennedy Connection

The evolving relationship between RFK Jr. and Donald Trump has been a subject of intense speculation, with their interactions ranging from public criticism to private courtship. Despite Kennedy’s past disparaging remarks about Trump, the endorsement shows the growing alignment between the two figures. In the past, Kennedy and Trump have expressed bitterness towards each other. Trump has criticized Kennedy as a “Radical Left Lunatic” whose votes would be a “WASTED PROTEST VOTE” while Kennedy referred to Trump’s comments as “unhinged” and a “barely coherent barrage of wild and inaccurate claims.” Kennedy has also denounced Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his alleged betrayal of his followers. 

However, behind the scenes, Trump allies had been quietly urging Kennedy to endorse the Republican nominee if he withdrew from the campaign. Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson, and GOP donor Omeed Malik were among those lobbying Kennedy to drop out and back Trump. This courtship had been ongoing for weeks, with Trump and Kennedy meeting in Milwaukee during the Republican National Convention and engaging in regular contact. Trump did express his desire for Kennedy’s endorsement, calling him a “brilliant guy” and stated he was “honored” to receive his support. The former president has also indicated his openness to Kennedy playing a role in his administration, should he win the election. Would be ironic if the position happened to be the Director of the CIA. 

Implications for the Democratic Party

RFK Jr.’s decision to endorse Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party, with significant implications for the Harris campaign and the broader political landscape. The move has drawn sharp criticism from prominent members of the Kennedy family, who view it as a betrayal of their long-standing Democratic values. As the Democratic Party grapples with the fallout from RFK Jr.’s endorsement, it may need to adjust its strategy in key battleground states.

Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, has openly discussed the possibility of the campaign “joining forces” with Trump to limit the election chances of Kamala Harris. This marks a significant shift from Kennedy’s earlier stance, where he stated “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES” would he join Trump on a presidential ticket. In a joint statement, five of RFK Jr.’s siblings described his endorsement of Trump as “a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear.” They emphasized their support for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, underscoring the deep divide within the family caused by RFK Jr.’s actions.

As the campaign evolves, RFK Jr.’s endorsement for Trump has re-entered him into the race, just in a different role. The coming weeks will be crucial to determine how his unique position influences the broader political scene. Whether through a third-party run or an endorsement, RFK Jr.’s policy and strong beliefs are now intertwined with the Trump campaign. 


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