Is anyone seeing this? The rise of Twitter’s newest account tricking all the NBA analyst into fake juicy locker room scoops? The next infamous sports troll, with more of an impact than Barry McKockiner? Well here is the next page that may be considered a must follow, Ballsack Sports.
This page has made major noise. Embarrassing nationally televised, phony sports media shows, and demonstrating that those shows are pawns of big networks. When they read Ballsack’s tweets, it proves they don’t even take the time to fact check what they are saying to millions and millions of people daily.
According to a recent tweet, the page owner claims they “Sacrificed my aspirations for a journalism career to help pave the way for the real ones 💯 There’s thousands of great journalists out here and I want them to be APPRECIATED in an era of clickbait and unverified sourcing.”
Totally valid take, and that’s why I’m here for it. Our man is moving with a purpose and is doing it in an unconventional way.
If you watched the Nets absolutely spank the 76ers last night you’ll see today Kendrick Perkins did a ton of homework on the Kyrie Irving and James Harden “beef.” You can spot the video from this morning below and see the original post from February 11th. I died laughing. Do your own homework kids or you’ll officially get “sacked” 🤣
Today we will focus on the dangers of misinform in the media, and stress the importance of media literacy.
— Ballsack Sports ® (@BallsackSports) March 5, 2022
Social media and the internet has enabled users to create and spread misinformation at record rates.
Not everything you see on internet or social media will be real.
Not all Ohio heroes wear capes or stand 6'8" 😆😆 SACKED @BallsackSports
— *LetEmKnow* (38-27) (@BishopMartin15) March 11, 2022

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