Tucker Putin

Tucker Carlson Enters the Kremlin, Interviews Putin: A Summary

In a bold move that has captured global attention, Tucker Carlson secured a rare interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin amid ongoing conflicts. Demonstrating unparalleled sharpness that belies any rumors of his faltering health, Putin engages in a conversation that spans a wide array of pressing issues.

This encounter, marked by Carlson’s daring approach and Putin’s undiminished vigor and condescending wit, offers remarkable insights. As we dive into the nuances of this dense interview, unpacking the key takeaways that emerged from a dialogue that was as complex as it was captivating.

Although it has taken us sometime to intently listen, read the subtitles and then eventually read the transcript provided by Tucker Carlson, we are able to share our key takeaways. Despite the translation device making it more difficult to keep attention, there was plenty of material that left US Citizens questioning their reality. Mainly focusing on why Putin answered the way he did or the context. If after this you are intrigued further, you can watch the whole two hour interview on TuckerCarlson.com 

1. Brief Russian History

Putin started the conversation by touching upon the historical roots of Russia’s relations with Ukraine. His narrative pointed to an intertwined past, dating back to the 8th century. The Russian leader expounded on Kiev and Novgorod’s role as the two power centers of Russia and how Ukraine’s genesis was intrinsically linked to Russia’s own formation. The discourse, though extensive, provided an essential context to understanding the current conflict. Tucker did try to stop him as even he alluded that he thought it was a filibuster tactic. Despite that Putin went on in what can be seen as a critical prologue to the ongoing conflict. 

2. Russia, NATO and the Missile Defenses Proposal

An essential part of the discussion revolved around NATO’s eastward expansion. Putin expressed his dissatisfaction with the Western alliance, recounting the broken promises following the USSR’s demise. He detailed how even the Soviet Union cooperated before it’s collapse in hopes for acceptance from the West.

He shared his views on the missile defense proposal, lamenting the missed opportunity for a joint defense system involving Russia, the United States, and Europe. The Russian leader expressed his belief that the U.S. had separate strategies to bring on political struggle. Leading us to infer that NATO wanted nothing to do with Russia in foreign relations.

3. Ukraine 2008-2014: Coup d’etat

According to Putin, this political upheaval is the root cause of the ongoing conflict in the region. Putin firmly believes that the West, specifically the USA and its allies, played a pivotal role in orchestrating the coup. 

He asserts, “A coup d’état was committed… although I shall not delve into details now as I find doing it inappropriate. The US told us, calm Yanukovych down and we will calm the opposition. Let the situation unfold in the scenario of a political settlement.” 

His stance was that the West not only supported, but actively participated in, the overthrow of Ukraine’s legitimate government. He further implicates the CIA, suggesting their involvement with the backing of the coup; highlighting a deep-seated belief in Western interference as the catalyst for the political instability that has plagued Ukraine since 2014.

Putin’s narrative paints a picture of external forces manipulating Ukraine’s political landscape to serve their interests, setting the stage for the protracted conflict. It’s easy to believe given the USA’s intelligence agencies leveraging war to overthrow sovereign nations. 

4. NATO Five Expansion’s East

Discussing NATO’s five expansions to the east, Putin articulated his concerns about the security threats posed by this development. He stressed that the alliance’s promise of not expanding eastwards was broken, thereby pushing Russia to take defensive measures. Putin articulated his concerns about the encroachment of NATO towards Russia’s borders, emphasizing that such moves were contrary to assurances previously given that NATO would not expand eastward.

He highlighted that despite Russia’s repeated appeals and proposals for cooperation and a unified security system in Europe that would include Russia, NATO continued to expand, bringing the alliance closer to Russia’s doorstep.

In response to NATO’s eastward expansion, Putin detailed the defensive measures Russia felt compelled to take to ensure its security. He mentioned the development of advanced hypersonic strike systems as a countermeasure to the perceived threat posed by NATO’s missile defense systems and the alliance’s enlargement. He later stated, “We created hypersonic systems with intercontinental range, and we continue to develop them. We are now ahead of everyone, the United States and the other countries in terms of the development of hypersonic strike systems.” This development was framed as a necessary step to flex his muscles on a global stage. 

His narrative underscores a perception of being cornered by NATO’s actions. It was as described as if Russia was put into a position where enhancing its military capabilities and developing new defense technologies became imperative for national security. The advancement of hypersonic weapons was presented not as an act of aggression but as a defensive strategy to protect Russia in a changing geopolitical landscape. With that, Russia is still portrayed across the globe as the aggressors. 

5. De-Nazification

One of the most compelling parts of the conversation revolved around the concept of de-nazification. Putin expressed his concerns about the glorification of Nazi collaborators in Ukraine. He urged for a total ban on neo-Nazi movements, arguing that it was vital for the region’s peace and stability. Kind of foul because people may be denial of such concept. Ask yourself this, did terrorism die when Osama Bin Laden was killed? 

Putin highlighted the troubling trend of elevating such figures to the status of national heroes. Noting the erection of monuments and the public celebration of their legacies. This, according to Putin, is indicative of a broader issue within Ukraine, where neo-Nazi movements and ideologies are not only tolerated but seemingly endorsed at a national level. He pointed out instances where crowds in Ukraine have been observed marching with torches in a manner reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Crowds chanting the names of historical figures who were responsible for the persecution and murder of Poles, Jews, and Russians. Regardless of whether you believe him or not, this is how he is painting the opposition to the globe. 

The Russian president also criticized the international community, particularly Western countries, for their silence or inaction regarding this issue. He contrasted the situation in Ukraine with the broader global stance against Nazism and neo-Nazism, suggesting that while other nations actively combat these ideologies, Ukraine has been allowed to foster an environment where they can flourish. True or not, this was Putin’s chance to tell the world that he is in fact the good guy. 

6. No Contact with Biden

In a surprising revelation, Putin admitted that he had not spoken to U.S. President Joe Biden since the onset of the conflict in Ukraine. We just crossed the two year mark of this ongoing war, and no contact with our President is alarming. He doubled down on the U.S.’s role in the conflict. Accusing it of supporting Ukraine’s coup d’etat and how we are funneling money to the opposition. This utterly shocked Tucker Carlson forcing him to laugh in disbelief. 

The lack of direct communication between Putin and Biden reflects a deep rift and facilitates the idea that our “leaders” may actually not be in charge. After approving more aid to Ukraine, it only adds to Russia’s reluctance to engage in dialogue with the U.S. leadership. He suggests that any meaningful negotiation or resolution to the conflict would require a change in the U.S.’s approach and a willingness to address Russia’s security concerns and interests in the region.

7. USA & European Media Powers

Putin also addressed the role of media in shaping global narratives. He claimed that the U.S. controlled most of the world’s media and used this power to promote its interest. This has been highlighted here since the birth of the term “Fake News”. 

However, he expressed his faith in honest journalism’s potential to rectify the situation. He then provides his critique of the global media landscape. Putin asserts that the United States, through its financial institutions, wields significant influence over Western media. This control extends not just to American media outlets, but also to major European ones. 

When he refers to “financial institutions” owning Western media, he is alluding to the large investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms that often hold substantial stakes in media companies. Entities such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and other major investment groups come to mind. As they are known to have significant investments across various sectors, including media. These institutions, through their investment and ownership stakes, can influence editorial policies and the overall direction of the outlets they own.

He reiterates that this control over media by financial institutions is a strategic asset for the U.S. Sharing how it enables them to shape public opinion and narratives in a way that supports its geopolitical interests. This perspective underscores Putin’s skepticism towards the independence of Western media and the legitimacy when covering global events, particularly those involving Russia.

8. Nordstream, the CIA & the German Economy

The conversation took a turn when the topic of Nordstream, CIA, and the German economy came up. Tucker asked who blew up the Nordstream Pipeline and Putin quickly answered by accusing the CIA. If what was said was true, it’s in the means of sabotage and geopolitical maneuvering. 

He insinuates that the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was an act of industrial terrorism. Later alluding to the pressure this applies to the German economy. Putin suggests that this act was not only aimed at damaging Russia’s economic interests but also at undermining Germany’s energy security. By cutting off a direct and cost-effective source of natural gas from Russia, the destruction of the pipeline forces Germany and other European countries to seek alternative, more expensive sources of energy; thereby exacerbating the energy crisis in Europe and weakening its economic competitiveness.

9. USD as a Weapon

On this site we have discussed the USD from many perspectives. Other than its devaluation, Putin criticized the U.S.’s use of the dollar as a weapon in foreign policy struggle. He argued that this approach only served to damage the U.S. economy and undermine its global power. Putin points to the imposition of sanctions and restrictions on transactions as specific examples of how the U.S. uses the dollar as a weapon in its foreign policy. He highlights the U.S. government’s decisions to freeze assets and restrict transactions in U.S. dollars for certain countries, including Russia. As these actions that not only aim to exert economic pressure but also signal to the world the potential risks of relying too heavily on the dollar for international trade and reserves.

Additionally, Putin mentions the exclusion of Russian banks from the SWIFT international payment system. Although not directly a use of the dollar, complements the strategy of leveraging the dollar’s dominance in global finance. With such power, the West could isolate and penalize countries that oppose U.S. policies. These measures, according to Putin, undermine the trust in the dollar as a stable and neutral medium for international transactions. Leading countries to seek alternatives and reduce their reliance on the dollar, thereby eroding its status as the world’s primary reserve currency. With all those tricks, Russia finds itself doing okay economically while leveraging more Chinese Yuan. 

10. Cooperation with China

In the discussion about global alliances, Putin highlighted Russia’s growing cooperation with China. He noted that the pace of this cooperation was increasing faster than China’s cooperation with Europe. He perceives the pace of Russia’s cooperation with China is at a rate that is faster than the pace of China’s cooperation with Europe. This highlights the deepening strategic partnership, which encompasses a wide range of sectors including energy, trade, technology, and defense. His comments reflect a sense of satisfaction and strategic optimism about the trajectory of Russia-China relations. Sensing his view that this partnership as a cornerstone of Russia’s foreign policy and a counterbalance to Western influence.

He implies that the strengthening ties between Russia and China are of strategic importance. Providing more aligned in terms of mutual interests than the more transactional and, at times, cautious approach characterizing China-Europe relations. This perception is indicative of Putin’s broader view on global geopolitics. Where alliances and partnerships are seen through the lens of strategic gains and as tools to navigate the complex dynamics of international relations.

11. BRICS Nations Growth

The conversation also touched upon the growth of BRICS nations. Putin pointed out that the share of BRICS countries in the world economy had surpassed that of the G7. This take signifies a major shift in global economic power. The increasing economic power of BRICS nations challenges the traditional power dynamics in international relations. It enables these countries to assert their interests more confidently on the global stage, negotiate from positions of strength, and form new alliances. This could lead to a reconfiguration of global alliances and potentially a reshaping of the current international order.

The growing influence of BRICS nations necessitates their greater involvement in global governance institutions. This could lead to calls for reforms in institutions like the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund to better reflect the current global economic and political realities. Such reforms could make these institutions more representative and effective in addressing global challenges.

12. The Role of Zelenskyy

Regarding Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Putin expressed doubts about his ability to negotiate a settlement to the conflict. He claimed that Zelensky’s actions were dictated by Western powers, particularly the U.S. Putin expresses skepticism regarding President Zelenskyy’s autonomy in negotiating a settlement to the conflict in Ukraine. Putin implies that Zelenskyy, despite his position as the head of state, may not have the full freedom or authority to engage in independent decision-making. Claiming due to the heavy involvement and control exerted by the U.S. and its allies. This perspective is rooted in Putin’s broader view of Ukraine as a “satellite state” of the United States. Indicating a belief that Ukraine’s political leadership operates under the guidance or directives of Western powers rather than acting on its own sovereign interests.

Moreover, Putin points to specific instances where he believes Western influence has directly impeded the negotiation process. He mentions the abrupt change in Ukraine’s stance after preliminary agreements were reached, attributing this shift to external pressures from Western leaders. Notably citing an intervention by the former British Prime Minister, which he claims was done on behalf of the Biden administration. This, in Putin’s view, exemplifies how Western powers are not only influencing but actively obstructing potential pathways to a peaceful resolution.

Leading to Putin’s skepticism that the West interested in using the conflict to weaken Russia than in achieving a genuine peace. This perspective highlights the complex interplay of international influences in the conflict and the challenges of reaching a settlement. When external powers are perceived to have significant stakes and influence over the involved parties the conflict continues.

13. Religious Influence in Russia

Towards the end of the interview, Putin spoke about the influence of religion, particularly Eastern Orthodoxy, in Russia. He emphasized that religion was deeply ingrained in Russian consciousness and society, shaping its identity and values. Vladimir Putin perceives Eastern Orthodoxy as a foundational pillar of Russia’s national identity and values. He emphasizes that Orthodoxy is not just a religion but a profound cultural and moral force. The religious tradition has historically shaped Russia’s identity and societal norms.

Furthermore, Putin suggests that Orthodoxy encourages Russians to engage with deeper, existential questions, promoting a reflective and contemplative approach to life. This contrasts with what he views as the more pragmatic and materialistic orientation of Western societies. In his view, the spiritual and moral dimensions emphasized by Orthodoxy contribute to a unique Russian worldview, characterized by a focus on moral values, community, and a sense of duty towards the motherland.

14. Elon Musk And AI

Putin acknowledged Elon Musk’s significant contributions and innovations, stating, “I think there’s no stopping Elon Musk. He will do as he sees fit.” This remark reflects Putin’s recognition of Musk as a pivotal figure in technology and innovation, whose actions and decisions have far-reaching implications.

Regarding AI, Putin conveyed a nuanced perspective, emphasizing the need for international cooperation and regulation. He drew parallels between the existential threats posed by uncontrolled AI development and those historically posed by nuclear weapons. Putin suggested that just as nations came together to manage the nuclear threat, there should be a concerted effort to establish international agreements to govern the development and use of AI. He highlighted the potential dangers of AI and genetic engineering, including the creation of “a specialized human being,” which underscores his concern about the ethical and security implications of unchecked technological advancements.

Putin’s comments indicate a belief in the importance of dialogue and collaboration among global leaders, including figures like Elon Musk, to ensure that technological progress, particularly in AI, is guided by ethical considerations and international norms. He advocates for a balanced approach that harnesses the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks through formalized and regulated development.


As you can see a lot was covered in this very dense two hour discussion. As we aim to provide this comprehensive analysis, it becomes evident that the conversation between Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin was much more than just a captivating dialogue. It was a deep dive into the intricate dynamics of global politics, revealing the complexities and challenges that shape our world today. From historical context to current conflicts, from global alliances to religious influences, this interview provides a crucial perspective on what is really at stake.


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